Self drive safari in Uganda

Traveling through Uganda by yourself can be an incredible experience full of fun as you go through the countryside of the pearl of Africa on your own. This is a country that holds some of the least inhabited and most romanticized locations in traveler knowledge; Kidepo Valley with the vast population of spectacular wildlife, Murchison Falls national park which has the strongest waterfalls in the world, the Source of the world’s longest river(Nile) in Jinja and Bwindi Forest National Park, home to more than half of World’s Mountain Gorillas.

Here are seven reasons why self-drive Uganda si the best raw wilderness experience you have always wanted.

There’s endless freedom

Your worldly possessions are on the back seat. Your home now becomes a tent folded onto the roof rack. There aren’t any other human beings for miles and your world is packed up in your vehicle. But look beyond your confines and a vast open plain swells out to the horizon in front of you, dotted with herds of wildlife and birds. It’s all yours to explore.

Discover it all on your own terms

How many times have you driven past a remarkable viewing on the side road and you can’t stop because you’re trapped on a bus driving at a terrible speed along its set route? Self-driving in Uganda gives means no more submitting to others’ itineraries or missing that fantastic photo opportunity. Your itinerary is entirely very flexible, opening up experiences you may never have had on a tour.

You don’t have to go far for adventure

When on self-drive, you don’t have to enter a national park to have a good chance of spotting wildlife. Explore Queen Elizabeth and other national parks with abundant wildlife including, herds of elephants, buffalo, antelopes, and the astonishing tree-climbing lions in the Ishasha sector is surely one of the most mind-bending travel experiences.

Even the campsites are stunning

Camping in Uganda makes for some exciting nights in your tent into a cramped corner or tripping over guy ropes in the middle of the night, the campsites here are somewhat more remote. Most of Uganda’s National parks have gazetted places for camping sometimes in the middle of the bush, near the lake/river.

The wildlife watching is easy

Uganda is one of the few countries in Africa where you can safari solo. Self-driving in Murchison falls or Queen Elizabeth National Park is a unique opportunity to encounter colossal quantities of animals without the services of a guide. Get up early, get into your safari vehicle and follow the trail. The animals will gradually appear from the surrounding plains and give you a window into their lives.


The beauty of such an incredible can fully be explored on a self-drive where you have the freedom to break and stop at any point you find so attractive. The freedom to drive deep to the countryside of this great country in one trip wouldn’t require you to own a car that you would lease shortly after the trip.



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